For a good horror experience, I have to recommend Outlast.
Unlike many horror games, you have no weapon, your only advantage is most of the things hunting you can't see in the dark, but you have a video camera with night vision. But the batteries don't last long.
Since I don't found any description from the OP I assume any game recommendation are fine
So I guess I try to recommend some niche game like dominons series which next year gonna have new sequel dominions 6, to simplify its like totalwar warhammer but in 2d and you don't control the flow of the battle.
If I was going to recommend any kind of video games to anyone, I’d recommend ones that are open-ended and have a good amount of world-building. Some good examples of this are games like Morrowind or Skyrim. Jedi Fallen Order is also great if you’re a Star Wars fan and enjoy great lightsaber combat (Jedi Outcast and Academy have great storylines and good saber combat for the time they were released too). Can’t forget the KOTOR games too, they’re amazing and have tons of lore and world building. Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale are great if you’re a Dungeons & Dragons fan or a casual player. Those are just some examples of what I would recommend. I could be typing for hours if you’d want a full recommended list.
I watch a couple of Baldur Gate 3 gameplay recently its look good, especially the dark urge redemption play through, too bad my potato pc probably cannot handle it, as even playing vanilla Skyrim already lagging and overheat my pc.
Gotta check that Icewind Dale one.
Been playing a few games recently that I would recommend. Final Fantasy XIV, Palia, Stellaris, and Skyrim (Modded, but still). These games have been a lot of fun.
Other games would be Fran Bow, Little Nightmares I and II, Night in the Woods, Spiritfarer, Rain World, and Slay the Princess. Games that could be considered more immersive, with interesting or more challenging game play, as well being more story driven overall. Often also with more unique art style or graphics design. Many of these I'd even consider being more emotional or thought provoking.
Note as well, none of these are FPS. Which more rarely catch my attention honestly. Except for game series like Bioshock or Fallout perhaps.