Midnight is a very tall man and stands between 6-7 feet, he is very skinny and because of this his mother named Respected Healer is very disappointed in his lifestyle Midnight has hair that is all the colors of midnight combined, and he has the most beautiful amber eyes he is a white man that can sometimes be confused with milk on his bad days but on his good days his skin is more tan like, he has a very handsome appearance in general.
Midnight has chosen to become one of the wisest men, he does not find appeal in having good physical body but instead fancys a wise and logical life, He views alliances like an agreement that two or more people shall trust each other "Trust goes both ways" therefore he is very trustworthy. Midnight intends to do whatever is logical and will most certainly lead him to become the next Ruler of Kings.
Advisor Description
We were both walking down the street in the town, right next to the tavern where I was going for my early morning drink with a good feast for my senses, when I bumped right into her, we awkwardly walked backwards and then apologized to each other, then we saw each other, she was wearing a red dress that looked very cheap for her beautiful face, and her shoes where made of leather and looked used, like they had spent years burning in a fireplace, then she started to introduce herself as Sunset and immediately stated that she had a crush on me, I, in contrary did not confess my crush to her, but I do mean to confess it later, then she stated that she had been watching ever since she first noticed me, to this I was startled about the entire thing, but yet, she looked poor so I gave her some GP, then she said that she would like to advise me on my choices but said that she would follow me in order to annylaze my situation, then I realized I really needed someone like that in my life so I said yes, but for some reason, I have a feeling all she wants is to get me to propose to her, which I might do, but probably later in my life.
Reflections on your mother
My mother and I used to have a very good relationship but in my 16th birthdays as she realized that I was a very weak person physically, she started hating me, she hates me more every day and I can't bear it and I want to change but, I know that there are some things that cannot be changed about me, even if I did everything I needed to do in order to be involved in the town I feel like my mom hates me, this has proved to be true for every month she sends me a letter that criticizes my everyday life, I cannot change though but still, I have a message for you: Dear mother,
You may hate me and my lifestyle but, I still love you and I promise in the name of god I shall be come the next Ruler Of Kings!
Relation Description
She is a beautiful girl and she has big blue eyes with the brightest hair one can ever hope to see, she cannot be missed upon the crowns that she passes because her face with that small cute face and that beautiful smile that is just quite so very perfect and pretty, she is 6 feet tall but that doesn't mean anything to me because everything else is so very attractive to me she is perfect, Oh dear Sunset, you are the one for me!
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
Oh ma'am you are quite the sight! I can feel that brave and beautiful energy coming off of your body and shape, I believe very well that everything about you is great, in the end I will so say that I think you are the prettiest woman of you age!
Reflections on your father
I never knew my father, but my mother told me that he was a strong and faithful man, he, according to mother, had faith in me deeply to become a ruler of kings, but I do believe that according to mothers descriptions of him, he would be very disappointed like mother, with my lifestyle my father is currently missing under mysterious circumstances and sadly, it has been that way for months, and with that I am forced to believe that he is dead, I bring this up to mother but she never listens to me, claiming he is alive, either way dead or alive, I reflect that he is not helping mother nor me with our everyday lives.
-Midnight The Hunter.
Message to Advisor
Dear Sunset,
Today was not one of my best days for me, I started the day by going to the palace of parody and training my abilities then I feasted and rented my room, afterwards I worked in the library and got myself some money, I used some charges to try to train and tried to take another quest, but in that case I just died and had to revive myself, in summary today was not my best day.
- Midnight The Hunter.
I have betrayed my mother and my father, my weaknesses have shown for me and have destroyed me I cannot bear this any longer, the same things happen over and over and over, my dreams keep getting worse with my guilt running all over me! I cannot bear it any longer, so I have decided to commit suicide, I am dead anyway and I'm also an insult to my family, so I shall be killed in the most undignified way of dying, I shall hang myself into the blazing fire which will kill me, and before that I will induce myself with unbearable pain so I shall die, and do it strongly!
-Midnight The Hunter
Dear Mother, Father and Sunset,
I am a clear disrespect to my family and so I shall end my life in the most dignified and painful way I can think of, go to the center of town and you shall see me die.
I love you all.
Midnight The Hunter
The execution or suicide of Midnight The Hunter was a very unbearable experience according to the witnesses of it as they said he poisoned himself and then immediately hanged himself through a trap door that brought him upon a fire, it is one of the worst things many have witnessed, but some say they have seen worse, is this true, no one knows.