Doors: Open or Closed
Is the purpose of a door in your home or business mostly to be open or close? Careful now, the question is deeper than the surface.
I like to keep the door to my house open. When I say open I mean for people who are in need of assistance to come in and get some help. I would only close my door to those that would take advantage of your open door. The wisdom would to find out how to tell them apart. I have went out of my way to try and help people. I like my open door policy.
Yes I have had my openness come back at me by people taking and taking and not trying to give back. I try to eliminate these types from my life by closing the door.
Doors are there to keep people out. If there wasn't a need to make sure only the right people could get in then there wouldn't be a door in the first place so doors are mostly to be kept closed.
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While my doors are always open that is in referrence to how I help people. My door is actually physically closed but I do not keep people out unless I need to. That being said I just do not let anyone walk into my house either. Remember I do carry a gun and I have handcuffs. Coming in my house uninvited can land you to not feeling very well *smile*.
Nightlain, I feel the same way! When it's dark the blinds and drapes get pulled. It bothers me to be at someone's house when they don't do that. I don't like the feeling that someone could be watching me from the darkness.
Doors should be closed for both meanings. I make people prove themselves to me before trusting them. It makes me sad being like this but it is a harsh world. There are some really bad people out there. Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Apr, 2017 - 3:48am
Well I can say I do not blame you two ladies. It is a messed up world out there and there are some bad people out there. I am one who tells people I am a professional stalker. It sounds bad but in reality I work security and watch cameras all day watching for those bad people to deal with them hopefully before they can harm others. So yes keep your blinds and curtains closed keep you doors closed. Be safe.