Exactly. I wanted to say something like this but couldn't think of a way to put. Your explanation echoes my thoughts, you just express so much more eloquently. The you that starts out will depart radically form the you of this world as you make decisions… but they are decisions you think you would make rather than a Lawful Good Paladin named Glorfindel.
Be careful Glorfindel may here you and come wondering why you would be talking about him *smile* Yes this is a game where Yes you are the character and yes it is all about the decisions you yourself would make instead of some random character you rolled up. Yes You will still be you but you will be a lot different than the you that is still safe at home or work. Maybe you as a character could be safer than you are.
You definitely made me smile with that last line. I would venture to say there are times that my character is in a safer environment than I am… depending on where in the world I happen to be. Although, lately I've been pretty safe.
I'm just bumping this as a reminder. We are still looking for players for this very unique game. It's the perfect time to jump right in. We are at the very beginning. Find out what it is like to be transported to another world. Roleplay yourself !
Converting myself into a character would make for a very dull moment and then having to play that will be depressing. It's not my kind of game to play as I'm the kind of guy that would be lost in a crowd, easily forgotten and not noted for anything special. I'm not putting myself down just saying I'm not big into anything and quite happy that way, dull and boring. *laugh*.
Your choice, but I have to say, you don't have to be the type to stand out in a crowd to have fun with this.
I have a hard time believing there's nothing you'd want to do not only given the opportunity, but incentive to push yourself.
Edited: daishain on 19th Apr, 2017 - 12:50am