Country: Worst Recorded History
Which country has the worst recorded history in that it has done the most atrocious things to humanity?
This is difficult to determine but I think the Spaniards with the invasion of the Conquistadors. They killed millions and millions, made slavery very common and took the whole western hemisphere for themselves.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 25 2.5%
That is a good thought too. I didn't take into account virtually killing off the whole indigenous population through biological warfare aspect of things. Much of the biological warfare was not on purpose… but still. Plus, they did completely obliterate the local culture and religion. But the slavery thing, well slavery has been around for thousands of years and it was very common in Europe and Africa prior to the Spaniards. That one we can't pin on the Spaniards. Heck, I think it was the Portuguese that controlled most of the slave trade when that aspect of slavery came into being.