Well Sony Pictures Animation is going to be releasing to make a movie about cell phone emoji, but stupid things like that aren't all too uncommon. Honestly though the one thing I am not looking forward to is the Justice League, mainly because I have lost nearly all confidence in DC and how frustrating it is to see them screw up their superheroes.
Also, for myself, I generally go everywhere with my laptop because I really cannot go without it and I get a little nervous with it not in my site or nearby. As too my cell phone, but pretty much everyone has that on their person. Edited: Thomaslee on 28th May, 2017 - 12:12am
It may take a bit, Kntoran's off traveling today. Unfortunately, he didn't get to set your character to editing mode before he left, so I think you'll find that your character sheet is locked out of further edits. Just get what you need lined up and it can be handled later.
Speaking of though. Thomas, were you going to open up your character sheet?
I'll see about getting that taken care of within the next couple of hours, and then perhaps I can have me and Allen join at the same time.
Admittedly, another suggestion given was that Allen goes in first and the way we can play it out as I go looking for him and that's how I get in if you want have him start right away.
The modification of my character sheet is going a bit slowly. Am having to collect and place the Information into it. Also still need to work out my skills and feats. Also, I will be remaining human until the dragon stuff can potentially become available. However, I was also thinking of a more spiritually divine nature as well. This plays into my faith as a bring. But that will come once the characters meet me. Sense they don't know me and you all don't know me very well yet.