Greetings, always good to see another face.
Bear in mind for your assessment, all of "Us" lost some years physically on entering this world. Would assuming that your body will be as it was ~10 years ago change your self assessment in any regard?
Okay, so continuing this a bit while leaving the question of physical stats aside:
I don't have a good sense of Int/Wisdom.
For Int, if you could make some kind of simple assessment of how you handle languages, math, riddles, technology, etc. That would be good.
Wisdom in this case is generally defined in terms of presence of mind, and/or just plain old common sense. How likely you are to forget your keys, how good your instincts are, how easily you can see through a sales pitch or a scam, that sort of thing.
For your class, what most matters here is what reflects who you are, what you aspire to achieve.
My initial thought? Crusader, a somewhat paladinlike (No strict behavior code or divine magic, but they have other things) martial character that is very capable of defending himself and others. They get stuff like being able to delay damage taken, bonuses to hit and to damage if someone hit them recently, attacking maneuvers that can heal them or allies, and rerolls on failed saving throws.
Edited: daishain on 6th Dec, 2017 - 5:45am
Welcome to the grill session! While I too would like a better sense of INT, I’d possibly drop Wisdom a point or two to average and raise Charisma a like amount. Being in customer service over a long term gives an ability to properly handle people verbally and emotionally, trying to resolve issues in a way that makes both the customer and company satisfied. The rest of the stats seem good and since I don’t have the encyclopaedic knowledge that Daishain has with regards to classes, I’d defer to his advice.
As of 10 years ago I was still doing Customer Service and had been out of the military for only 2 years so I was in much better shape.
I've played paladin's before and I know how restricting that which makes the idea of the Crusader very good. This option would allow me to be just good instead of lawful and I would feel more comfortable mediating with diplomacy instead of dictating how things must be.
I was trying to be a bit humble about the Charisma and not put up too many points out there, but I guess we're moving on how to merge the stats with the class needs. If it's approved, I would up the Charisma to 16 and downgrade the Wisdom to a 10.
Was starting to wonder if we'd lost you.
In any case, I wouldn't jump on the first class presented too soon. Is there anything else that might inspire you? And feel free to ask after, for instance, some hypothetical sorcerer type who can hold his own in a physical fight, because believe it or not that is an option.
In regards to the Crusader, it is not part of 3.5e's OGL, so I cannot link to it here, but it should be fairly simple to look up, it is found in the Tome of Battle. It is an Initiator Class, meaning most of its abilities are bound up in martial maneuvers, attacks and stances that provide various bonuses. For instance there's a reactionary maneuver that lets you temporarily substitute the result of an attack roll for your AC. Another forces a struck opponent to make a save vs forfeiting their movement for a turn.
It all can be a little complicated, but it provides lots of interesting and useful options beyond the usual charge in and swipe that martial characters normally get.
I do have a fair number of 3.5 books already and was considering Paladin. I think that if I ever went to a world where I KNEW with every fiber of my being that god was real, I could make the kind of commitment to ensuring goodness reigned over wickedness. I truely feel that's the easier part for me, I'm very bad at being Evil. I've tried to play evil before and I just can't do it. The big concern with being a paladin is the lawful part. I believe that sometimes you need to bend the rules to get results. A class like the Crusader allows for that flexibility and from what I've read so far, the White Raven Discipline is right up my alley and the name is almost prophetic (My security call sign is Snow Raven).
Nice, okay then, sounds like Crusader is indeed a good match there.
White Raven is excellent, especially when, as in this case, you have a fair number of other people to work with. I would however make sure to pick nice stuff from the other disciplines as well. Crusader's Strike for instance can increase your survivability greatly at lower levels.
Can you answer my questions on Int/Wisdom above? We won't be able to proceed until your peers get a chance to be creepy judgemental judges about your ability scores .