Group B as Jason is snapping the chains he sees a movement out of the corner of his eyes. HE looks up to see three goblins coming into the room. They have clubs instead of swords. Rachel does not see the two that come up behind her as she is helping the child off the table. She looks over at jason to see him snapping the chains and turn around to help the child out of the room and into the corridor when she is hit with a club. She feels the room spin and herself falling as darkness engulfs her. Jason hears Rachel's grunt of pain then her hitting the floor. The children by him have very wide eyes right now.
Out of Character: But wait, you never posted anything for us. You have Group B with Rachel and Jason, but unless I missed it you didn't post anything for us to reply to.
Edited: Thomaslee on 5th Aug, 2017 - 1:05am