I crotch down a bit as I hurry after the goblin, working to try and keep steady footing as I rushed after the damned creature. I growl, "Get back you vile creature." I was more then upset with what the goblins had been doing and ready to hurt the vile little bugger.
Out of Character: My apologizes for missing it.
Edited: Thomaslee on 5th Aug, 2017 - 1:18am
Out of Character: Yes, its all there, enough for 3 attacks. With Bane factored in, my Cbow Att/Dam is +4/1d8+2d6
In the hopefully not too unlikely event I'm still on my feet long enough for it to matter, here's another 3.
I should note that my target priority, much like with my direction of travel, is to shoot the most troublesome foes first.
Edited: daishain on 5th Aug, 2017 - 1:58am
Group A You chase the goblin as it goes down the the left and past the fake door trap. Thomas stumbles around the first corner and falls down but gets back up to chase it some more. Yes it is a bit slowed down while carry/dragging the screaming child. It turns left again as you both near the false door. You are gaining on it.
Group B The two goblins to the west grab Rachel and begin to haul her out the north door. The one closest to Jason takes a cross bow bolt to the stomach but it keeps coming. His second bolt misses as it and the other two to the north get closer. His third shot takes out the first goblin as he sees Rachel disappear out the door. Jasons fourth shot takes out a second goblin you are now at the far south east corner and can not back up any more. The third Goblin Raises its club at you and swings but misses. You fifth shot hits it in the chest and it slumps to the ground. Now there are no more goblins in the room just you and the three children. What is your decision now? Go after Rachel or save the children?
I continue after the goblin, trying to catch up with him so as to safe the child. Despite stumbling I keep on going and glad to see that we are catching up.
Specific Action: Also, if I have the chance of grappling the goblin, I will make a strength check.
Out of Character: You really are making this a challenge.
Ghost is able to catch the goblin as it was attempting the turn before it was able to get to the Y. He is able to kill the goblin with a well placed bite. The goblin falls dropping the child who continues to scream as goblin blood drips down on her from Ghost's fangs. Ghost just looks at her. Den is able to catch up with ghost a few seconds later and Thomas is about 30 seconds later. What is Group A doing next?