Having joined the others in discussion of what to do with all that they had managed to gather as the groups haul of wealth, I will make one request and ask Jason, "Honestly, I'd personally like a Hat of Disguise. A really fun and useful item to have., any chance that might be something I could get with part of split of the money?" Admittedly, it was possible that all he could do was rings, as well magic arms and armour. Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Aug, 2017 - 6:40am
"Could be done, but I have to say we don't seem to be in a situation where disguises would regularly come in handy. I won't object though."
Out of Character: P.S. Eventually, I'll be able to do every kind of magic item. For now though what I can do are potions, scrolls, and wondrous items (Hats of disguise are in the last category). Magic arms and rings I can't do yet. I can craft the breastplates and crossbow now because those aren't magic and I do have the craft skills. Edited: daishain on 16th Aug, 2017 - 11:43am
"You never know when a disguise might be useful," I offering with a chuckle before with a shrug I admit, "Though I see your point." It was the first thing to come to mind, and would be one of the first things I'd want to get if given the chance of finding myself in such a situation.
Continuing, I explain what I have planned, "Honestly I am fine with whatever you think I could use. A hat of disguise is simply one of my favorite items, it would be useful in getting us out of trouble as well in expressing my growth as a bard and storyteller."
Once we get things figured out, I will seek brief audience with Lord Douglas to ask if he knows any I might be able to request the services of in helping me learn certain things such as languages.
Particularly, I say, "I seek to learn elven first and for most, though other languages as time goes on." I will explain that am more then happy to pay whoever helps me with such out of my share of the wealth my party brings back. Edited: Thomaslee on 17th Aug, 2017 - 1:26pm
Lord Douglas will advise Thomas to go to the library and talk to his wife or Lywenta as they both can help him in learning a new language. It is their magic ability that will help him there.
Once he gets there they both will agree to help you learn the Elven language. They would ask for a token offering of 100 gp for each language you wish to know if the language you wish is one that they know.
I will spend time getting things together for crafting the breastplates, including obtaining torso measurements from Thomas and Dennis.
I will ask Douglas and his wife about the possibility of trading something for a protective ring as earlier described, asking them what manner of services/item I could trade for such a thing.
When Thomas mentions learning elvish, I'll also suggest that most of the others would like to learn as well. Perhaps a group course could be arranged? Edited: daishain on 17th Aug, 2017 - 9:37pm
I listen to Jason's suggestion about group learning and I smile, "Woo hoo, that would be like the Defense Learning Institute DLI in Army speak, where I learned Arabic and then learned Farsi. 63 weeks for Arabic and it was a wild timeā¦ I was an NCO so a lot of free time to partay! Plus, rucking the hills on Monterey and California in general was awesome. So, I'll learn a Elven to go with my Arabic and Farsi." I try to think of a witty or vulgar thing to add in Arabic or Farsi to impress my friends and realize I can't, they are both gone. I look at them with concern, "I have lost both Arabic and Farsi? I mean, I can't think of a word in either language. I was a pretty good linguist too. I wonder if that's to make room for new languages?" I look to Lord Douglas for an answer.
Out of Character: Yes, was a time I was a darn good Arabic and Farsi speaker… although I lost quite a bit. I can still sing the Mr. Ed song in Arabic and I am a prolific curser. Edited: Abnninja on 17th Aug, 2017 - 10:20pm
Lord Douglas looks at you all and says I am not that good with languages. Now my Wife and Lywenta they are a different story. It could be you lost some of you languages to take on new ones. I am not sure about that as things work differently here.