I move forward, "Lord Douglas, this has nothing to do with Rachel. Whatever happens here it is entirely upon me. As for what happened, your wife simply said she could bring us back to life if we die to continue questing, or something akin to that. She then casually brushed her hand across my shoulder. That is the whole of it."
The lord looks at Dennis, "Yes that is exactly right. Now the real kicker is that she has been wanting an excuse to replace her two shall we say friends, Hench and Smelly. They were zombies under her control. The main reason I got rid of them was they caused me a headache. I can sense the undead within 120 feet of me and any closer I start to get a head ache. She used that comment to sense your muscle structure to see how well you would do as a zombie." He looks over at his wife then back to the two of you. In my eyes this was not a flirtatous touch but one of fact finding for her own interests. I have complete faith in you Dennis, and you Rachel to do the job as I hired you for. I know Jason and Thomas are part of this team as is Ghost here. Now I consider this case to be closed. I hope this gives you some relief as I am sure you stress level is quite high right now. Go in peace and get some rest. You can resume you job in the morning."
Looking to Jason I say with all the sign of chuckle despite my concern and worry, though perhaps it was because of it the way of coping, "Personally I hope that this is simply one big misunderstanding, that we were all just worrying ourselves over nothing." Really, the behavior have seen fairly blatant but it was more than possible that it was completely misread.
I'm a suggestion spells, I offer, "Well a few spells that come to mind are invisibility, disguise self, and dimension door, glibness. Though that's more to get in and out. There's consideration of countering any detection spells or ward." There was perhaps others, yet what I offered is what came to mind first.
I let out a single deep breath, thinking. "A lot depends on what wards are actually in place. I can scout it out with Detect Magic, but even that attempt will be dangerous, not least because I'd have to get quite close."
"Dispel magic might take down a ward, but as my effective caster level would be so low, the odds of success are not good."
"Come to think of it, I don't suppose you know where the local jail would be do you? Things would be a lot easier if there's a window to the outside, even a small crack of one."
I look at Lord Douglas and blink a few times. "So, we are free to leave? Thank you. And yes, you could say the pucker factor was pretty high for a minute or two there." I smile at him but it's more a smile of relief than of any mirth.
I get up and offer my hand to Rachel again. "I think we need to go let Jason and Thomas know all is well M'Lady."
Looking to Jason, I reply with a shrug, "No idea where the jail is. Perhaps there is a dungeon under the castle that prisoners are put? Still, this is a pretty big place." If they did get arrested, perhaps we could found out where the jail was.
I nod to Lord Douglas and smile shakily." Thank you Lord Douglas for your wisdom." I take Den's hand and depart with him. As we head towards the forge I talk about the experience. ." I cannot believe that. I really thought we might die or be imprisoned."