I gently return the hug, and do my best not to stiffen as she kisses my ear. "Okay then Thalica, let us get started."
As I guide her through the proper mixture of different types of coal to load the forge with, I'm thinking hard about the situation I'm in. Obviously she inferred more from my words than I meant, but how the heck do I get her to realize that without crushing her hopes?
I too will look at the roots, perhaps noticing what others see but maybe catching something else with the trees or the surroundings nearby. I also keep my ears ready to catch any sound.
I look at the hole and realize we may need to come at this from a different angle. "Does anyone have a shovel?" I ask of the loggers. Once handed one I begin to dig. But first I tie a rope around my waist making sure to use a square not with a slip in it and tie the other end to something secure. After about 45 minutes the shirt comes off. "You wouldn't happen to have magic to make me some nice cold lemonade? Or a good tall glass of southern iced tea, do you?" I ask of Rachel.
I watch Den digging with a grin." Oh, I get a show too. Someone has been working out. I wish that I had some good southern sweet tea for you. That is the priority issue to focus on here in my opinion." I laugh." I'll jump in and dig for you Den. I feel guilty watching you do all the work.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Sep, 2017 - 11:48pm