"I believe that I should be able to create dancing lights as well and I may even see if I can perhaps cast detect magic in the area," I will say, considering the magic that I have available and see about casting the cantrips. I will use Detect Magic first and then send out the Dancing Lights.
Out of Character: In which tunnel was it that I sensed figure before the magic fizzled out? You never did provided that detail, though perhaps this was on purpose.
Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Oct, 2017 - 3:52am
Considering for a moment, I will gesture for the others to step farther away from the tunnel, before saying, "This might sound like a crazy idea, and admittedly it's unlikely for them to do so, but why don't we just call into the tunnel and see if they might be willing to come forth?" Yes, I know it was probably a silly idea and perhaps even a very dangerous one but perhaps whoever is over there might be willing to show themself.
"Oh, I don't know, how about a f*ing fireball flying out of there and killing every last one of us at once Rachel? Dispel Magic is a third level spell, and whoever this is has casually cast it twice. We need to get the hell out of here."