With torches lit you are able to see that the tunnel goes pretty straight for a long ways. In fact it is still going straight after 150 feet. No one has seen anything different in the make up of the tunnel nor anything that could have made this tunnel.
Need spot, listen and search checks again.
I look in some concern at the tunnel." Yes, it could be worse. This tunnel took some skill to cut out. I wish we knew what we were dealing with. I guess that's why we make the big money." I laugh and walk on behind Ghost.
"So Jason, when is the wedding? I don't think the whole explaining how things are to her is working out well." I giggle quietly.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Oct, 2017 - 6:15pm
I stiffen and glance back at Thalica for a moment. "It never seems to be the right moment for that. That and I'm struggling with how to word it in a way that won't hurt her or lead to unfortunate misunderstandings. I've always understood machines better than people, not least because I basically skipped social interactions with others as a kid."