I'll toss in a torch and sweep the room again.
If with the light the room is fully lit and we still see nothing, I'll retrieve the torch, and we'll head back down the hall to take the next right at the intersection.
If there's still more we can't see, I'll nod for the advance team to move in like Dennis taught us.
Quickly stepping back again, I slam the door shut. "Welp, things just got interesting."
Calling out in Common, then Elvish, I ask. "Can you understand me? If so, I apologize for disturbing you. Are you willing to talk?"
I try to think back and identify what might have thrown the torch.
Edited: daishain on 25th Oct, 2017 - 1:38am
"I believe it'll be better for the both of us if we could at least hear who we were talking to, if not also see," I will call out, wondering if there will even be a reply for from the party's effort, before continuing, "Given the fact that you throw the torch back, there's not really a point to continuing to hide."
Group - You hear a voice from inside the door as it speaks common. "I never said I was hiding. I just do not like fire."
Grant - You slowly make your way down the hallway. You have found any odd indentions or other marks. You need to roll spot and search checks.
Edited: KNtoran on 25th Oct, 2017 - 3:29pm
Somewhat surprised we actually got an answer, I call out, "A sentiment I can certainly understand. Once again I apologize. Forgive our caution and impertinence, but what manner of being are you?"
As a whispered aside to my companions, "Keep them talking, I am going to check their alignment."
Letting someone else brace the door for a minute, I pull out a smooth stone I've taken to using for random infusions and start the process of priming it with a spell.
Out of Character: Using a Spell Storing Infusion to prime Detect Evil in the stone, then activating the spell right away and using it to sweep the area. This process will take 1 minute of casting and 1 standard action respectively (Also a cost of 1 xp, deducted from my reserve). I will maintain concentration on the Detect Evil spell as long as is practical.
Edited: daishain on 25th Oct, 2017 - 3:37pm