"Apologies about the fire," I will say to whoever it was that spoke, before asking, "Who are you, and can you tell us anything about these tunnels?" Hopefully the specter would be willing to answer a few questions.
Edited: Thomaslee on 25th Oct, 2017 - 3:49pm
I keep working on the infusion as the others speak to the apparent spirit.
Out of Character: Its nice to have that confirmed Kn, but while talking is a good sign, there are plenty of things, spirits included, that use a sweet voice to lure victims to a horrible fate. Add to that the fact that I can never be quite sure this isn't something new I hadn't heard of before coming to this world… The DE spell is an extra precaution. It might come in handy elsewhere as well, so perhaps it won't be wasted.
Edited: daishain on 25th Oct, 2017 - 5:07pm
I check both sides of the 'T' and, all things being equal, I head to the right. I am still keeping an eye out for any unusual features or changes in the wall, floor or ceiling surfaces. Calmer now, but intrigued by the possibilities for what brought me here, I am looking forward to the next new thing in this world. Internally, a monologue persists running through my head: "Medieval stonework, but my tech still works means that fundamental laws are still valid. So time travel may be the cause. I don't remember anything historically being at that mall, that would explain this tunnel, castle or whatever, so there must also be some spacial displacement. I've got to find a window or something to see outside." I check my phone's charge, thinking I may have to switch back to using the face of the phone for illumination instead of the LED.
Finishing the infusion, I scan through the room beyond the door.
Presuming I do not pick up anything, I'll call out, "A pleasure to meet you George. I am Jason, my companions and I have been tasked to ensure there are no threats down here. Can you tell us anything of this place?"
To those with me I whisper, "The creature beyond does not seem to be evil, but the spell can be confused, and even if it is not, that is no guarantee, stay alert."
Group - George responds by telling you the place is dark and lonely. He has not seen anyone except you in a long time. He can not remember how long it has been. But why do you not come in and talk for awhile.
Grant - You head to the right following the passageway. Y travel 30, then 40, then 50 feet and it still keeps going.