I smile as the other two exit, "All done for now? All right then, let's get to the rest of it. We'll need to find out what manner of armaments you're comfortable with."
As we walk towards the smithy, I continue, "One of the nice things about psionics is you could wade in wearing stone plate so heavy that your arms are pinned, and it doesn't interfere with your abilities one bit. But let's not go there, at least not today. I'm going to suggest that we start with a chain shirt. Enough to provide you with decent protection, hopefully not so much that it is slowing you down. We can try a couple of different weapons, see which of them you have a good feel for."
"If I were to guess, you probably got familiarity with simple weapons, but not martial. If you can also handle a shield well, I'm going to suggest a light crossbow and a buckler to start you off. That will keep you out of the thick of things."
"A crossbow is much easier to handle than a shortbow believe it or not. Think of it like a single shot pistol, you just point and squeeze the trigger. Main difference of course being the reload. But if you can handle a full bow, that's great. In any case, Let us see just what you are comfortable with."
I'll hand various melee weapons off to Vickie and take up a simple quarterstaff. I'll spar with her a little bit, just simple low impact strikes and parries, and gauge how well she handles various weapons. We'll find a target for ranged weapons for her to try out.
Then we focus on armor, finding a chain shirt that won't require too much adjustment and seeing how well she manages with a shield.
Out of Character: for reference, Ardents are proficient with all armor, shields, and Simple weapons, but not Martial. A shortbow is a martial weapon, normal crossbows are simple. As to the buckler I mentioned before, its the only kind of shield that can be used with bows without penalty.
I spare with Jason with several weapons : Swords of kinds and other melee weapons and find the heavy mace to be my best one.
The buckler works with it as well after we try several others.
Out of Character: I looked at the starter pkg for Ardent and it's: Armor: Scale mail, large wooden shield; Weapons: Heavy mace and Light crossbow(So you were correct at the recommendation). Thank goodness for my notes..*grin*.
I grin as we finish up with the smithy. "All right then, I hope you get comfortable with using that stuff. Shall we? Still two more stops for today."
I'll lead them on to the general store, then the stables, picking up general supplies, then trying to find a horse that suits Vickie well.
Out of Character: okay let me know if you have any desired alterations or additions for the following list, (267.5 total cost)
Equipment, Chain mail, buckler, Heavy Mace, Light Crossbow. 162 gp
Transport: light horse, saddle, tack, saddlebags 91 gp
General gear: backpack, bedroll, crowbar, Flint and Steel, dagger, 50' hemp rope, 10x torches, 10x pitons, 10x rations, 3x oil flasks, waterskin. 14.5 gp.
I grin also and follow Jason to the General Store and then the stables to find a gentle and kind stead that not going to buck me off it's back.
Out of Character: The list looks good just as it is. Can add to it as needed, if it is needed that is.
I'll help vickie find a horse that has a good temperament, and hopefully connects with her a bit.
Once done at the stables, I'll wrap things up. "Right then, its probably getting close to mealtime, how about we go grab something, relax for a bit, then all of us head off for those drills I mentioned?"