I smile at Rachel, though it is a bit sickly, "I'm glad you're taking this seriously now. Its been building up to this for a while, I had been hoping for just a few more days though. I wasn't kidding when I said right now is a bad time."
"In any case, I think the really blunt approach would be to simply tell her that she's not in love with me. At best, she's in love with an idealized vision of me, one that reality cannot measure up to. Ideally, I'd go on to explain that she needs to get to know who I am before deciding what I am to her, but I'm not sure she'd be listening at that point. It'd end this, but I'm pretty sure it would also cause the harm I've been hoping to avoid."
"I was wondering about a play for time. Tell her that a long engagement among our people prior to marriage is the norm. From there, pursue a casual relationship, one that holds off on sharing a bed, but lets her see me for me. If her interest dies out, we can part on friendly terms. If not, I can at least be sure it isn't just some crush, and what will matter at that point is how I come to feel about her."
"My main concern about the latter option is it feels mildly dishonest to me, and one could get the impression I'm leading her on."
Upon discovering some important information during the evening, I rush out and try to locate Jason, wanting to talk to him in private. Rather perturbed by the facts I've discovered, I will relate the details to him at the earliest opportunity before going off to bed. After telling him about it, I also ask about learning languages, and the 'cost' I've been told to do so.
Out of Character: : Do I relay what you told me I read here, or private?
Edited: Gknightbc on 9th Nov, 2017 - 6:29pm
After our drills, I go to the baths, dress for dinner and head to the dining hall, Where I will have my meal and then retire for the night. Waiting to see what the new day brings.
I relay the information to him, very quietly : "Jason, I've done some research and there is this thing called an Elvish 'Finding'. An Elf may experience a 'Finding' only once in their life, but when they do, they attach themselves to the object of their finding and are in love with him/her for life. If the object does not return the love in kind, that Elf will never have love with anyone else, for the rest of their life. It's a rare event, and can span species, but is irreversible from the information I found. It was barely touched on in what I read, but they seem to think it was pretty damn permanent. Do you think it what has occurred between you and Q?"
I blink on hearing from Grant, "That is… horrifying in its implications. To not be able to make that choice for yourself… The least that could happen is for the bond to be mutual, reduce the possibility of a life bereft of love."
"I thought it was just a crush, but even for that, the onset of this has been… fast. What you describe might be what has happened here. I need to know more. Did your source mention anything else? Any references we might be able to follow?"
When Grant gets to the matter of languages, "I actually wondered why you hadn't asked how some of us picked up local languages so quickly. I'm also not sure why they told you to ask me, they are the ones who offer the service. It is really rather remarkable. It takes about an hour. There's a 100 dollar charge, uh, I mean gold piece charge, and they can only teach languages they know."
Out of Character: Kn, remember what languages they had on offer, or do we need to dig for the list? I think among party members we have Dwarven, Elvish (Twice), and Sylvan covered.
Edited: daishain on 9th Nov, 2017 - 8:09pm