"It sounds a lot worse than a love potion would be. Something innate - not a curse or a spell - that makes you permanently fastened onto someone. Horrible when it's not mutual. If this is what she is experiencing, you are going to have a quest to do to release her from this tender imprisonment. The library is large enough that it may contain more data, but it'll take me a while to go through it. I'll spend what time I can researching the condition, as best I can."
"With regard to the languages, I've not worried about it, figuring I would learn by immersion, as I go. You've been here long enough to acquire language skills without any special magic, so I figured it was going to be a matter of me learning on my own. Also, I've been having a bit of an intellectual orgy in the library, these past two days, with all the new information and rules to learn, that it hasn't been of top concern." I smile ruefully, shrugging my shoulders as I continue "I'll maybe meet with these language teachers when we return, if there isn't enough time to gain one or two tongues."
I nod, "I certainly intend to do some research myself, hopefully an answer can be found. Need to ask the locals about it as well."
"At the very least it would be good to confirm whether or not this… condition is indeed going on."
I shut my eyes and sigh, "And here I was thinking that this couldn't get more complicated. If this Finding has occurred, then even breaking her heart with the expectation of it healing isn't an option."
Out of Character: . Grant you will only be able to learn a new language by paying for it and having a spell cast upon you from one of the languages that those around speak. I will send you a list later on. Studying in the library will not give you a new language.
Seeing Grant approach I nod and retire." Goodnight you two." Ghost pads silently behind me. I head up to my new room and lock the door behind me." Well, that is another day down Ghost. Hopefully tomorrow we can take care of whatever is in the tunnel." I lay there lonely and sad thinking of home. I'm still missing Den and it has had an effect on me. I toss and turn for a while before falling asleep at last.
"Well, I don't think speculating on this is getting us any further right now Grant. I suggest getting a good meal and some sleep, its a big day tomorrow."
I'll seek Thalica out, and give her a big hug, wishing I could protect her from this. I'll spend the rest of the evening asking about her life, how she grew up, what kinds of things she hopes to do, etc. In turn I'll share much of myself.
Privately, I had to admit I had come to enjoy her presence, more so than as the adopted daughter I had once thought she might become when I first entertained the notion of bringing her under my wing as an apprentice. Concern that she may not be choosing this with a clear mind stays my hand, not a lack of interest.
Once they were away from the others, I offering a reassuring smile. The path I take being towards that of the fort's garden area or a place with flowers. If there is not such, or at least decently nearby, I will simply have us sit under the shade of a tree.
Gesturing for Qwantithalica to sit, I will ask the perhaps obvious question in a tone both friendly yet with soft teasing or amusement, "You are quite smitten with Jason are you not? I feel it has been quite telling for many, especially for your mentor and savior." I consider the young elf, though older then myself by quite a bit.
Continuing I offer the inquiry, speaking in elven, "Perhaps even among the elves there are stories of heroes saving beautiful maidens, of the knight or champion who saves the the fair damsel, and the two fall deeply on love." There was perhaps a strong chance that such stories could exist among the elves, if perhaps different then human culture.
I consider the elf girl, waiting to see a response or reaction from Qwantithalica before continuing. I was going to have the point of why I wished to speak with her sink in slowly.
Out of Character: Apologies, I was in part waiting for her to make a reply and showing her willingness to go with me. I will post assuming she had.
Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Nov, 2017 - 5:59am