"Yes you can have access to the library for any research you may want. Lywenta in there at times will help you if you need it she is a Sorcerer of great ability. Yes I love nature and I want to preserve it. I know how mankind ruined the earth with some of their over farming and over fishing the oceans. I would hope that it got better in your time. I would not mind you Jason helping with improving the roads on your down time. I am sure if you show the workers your ideas then that can help a lot."
I grin a bit, "Matters have improved in that regard, among many other things, regulations have eliminated the smog around larger cities. We still have a long ways to go of course. Or Earth does at any rate."
"The road building techniques I mentioned will take more in the way of manhours, but will last with minimal maintenance for a lot longer. I will see what I can suggest. If we want to go all the way in that regard, we will need iron slag, more than the local forge can produce in a timely fashion. Any large neighbors of yours have probably been throwing plenty of the stuff away, we should be able to take it from them for a pittance.
"For now though, what of the forge? I would like to get started on that as soon as I can. While I am at it though, there will be mithral left over after what I have in mind. Is there anything you would like crafted?"
Out of Character: for reference, slag is a byproduct of smelting metallic ore, basically a mixture of rock, trace metals, and other impurities left over after all the metal you actually want is extracted. Its often considered useless, but crushed and properly applied it makes for an excellent road bed.
Edited: daishain on 25th Apr, 2017 - 7:59pm
"Oh yes the forge I am sure Sumah will allow you to use his forge when he is not using it. I will send word to him. As far as large neighbors I am afraid I do not have many if at all. Most of the people in this land are scattered nomads. This is why I chose this place. Gating in the stronghold was the hardest part. I wanted a well defended area to base off of."
I shake my head in agreement as Rachel and Jason do most of the talking. Once they are done I look at Douglas, "Please don't mistake my silence for disrespect. My compatriots did an admirable job. At times I tend to be rather laconic. This… change I've gone through seems to compound this aspect. I also applaud your respect for nature and the anilmals here. As for me, do you have maps of the local area I can study. Perhaps even a bit further out than just the local area. I was in the Army in my prior life… and maps are an important part of what we are about to undertake."
Once finished I look at my colleagues, "I shall be teaching you some of the rudiments of Army life. In preparation for this mission I'm going to prepare a brief Operations Order. We call it an OPORD in military slang. It will Kay out the Situation in a brief paragraph, the Mission in another paragraph, the Execution or how we will accomplish the mission, any Service and Support, and any Commands and Signals. This one will be very brief, but it may help us. We shall see."
Out of Character: I figured a little military additions here might be fun. We'll see.
Edited: Abnninja on 25th Apr, 2017 - 9:22pm
I grin as Jason speaks. " He has his work cut out for him Jason. It very well might be beneficial to us. A lot of it sounded like a foreign language to me though. " I look over to Den. " I promise that I will try my best to pick up this military business you are speaking of. Anything that can help us as a team. Now Den, you and I get to do the fun part of this preparation. I always love shopping. I'm ready to start whenever you are. "
"Uh, shopping my favorite thing to do." I smile at Rachel. "Okay, let me explain. I'm a guy… Hell, I'm a guys guy the epitome of guyliness. That means I come from the hunters, not the gatherers. The hunters went out, found the woolly mammoth they needed and killed it. No looking around. Some died doing it… it's all cool though, we got it done and came home to the cave to protect hearth and home, eat dinner and do what else comes naturally. Now, the gatherers, you, went out and gathered. Hm, we need a bit of this herb, some of these vegetables, oh, look at that spice. Oh, what else can we get, yes a bit more of that and some of this. And flowers for the table… Grog will love that. Grog not built that way Rachel. Yeah, just call me Grog. Okay, that's off my chest. Now, lets go shopping and I promise I'll enjoy every minute of it."
I laugh. " Okay Grog. You know it's sad when you have to go back to prehistory to rationalize why you don't like shopping. " I shake my head. " Shopping here will be different. Just imagine you are going to a Bass Pro Shop or something. We will be shopping for weapons, armor and camping equipment. A guys guy will love that. All you are missing is some beer to be in heaven. Come on Grog. "
Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Apr, 2017 - 1:07am