I answer Jason," I don't. Shall I check the dead for anything of value or wait for the others to check in?"
Also seeing Jason go to his apprentice, I will hand him the spell cloth he handed me earlier and say, "Use this on you, you are in more need than she is." And I look from him to her, hoping she understands me.
I look down at blood trickling down my side in annoyance. I then go and check on Ghost worriedly." You look okay Ghost. Great job as normal." I glance at my companions." Well done. You two handled yourselves well. That was a nice baptism by fire."
I look at Rachel and say, "Thanks. That was something else for sure, I've never been in a battle like that before. I just thought it was the best item at the moment. Are you OK?" I then look at the others.
“While a little more painful than getting mobbed in LARP, it was fairly familiar. I did take a hit, so let’s make use of the healing magics we can spare.then we can check these guys out and see what they have. “
Out of Character: : healing four points is not done by the bandage, right? Search the bodies. Standard kill them and take their stuff. Edited: Gknightbc on 4th Dec, 2017 - 1:31am
I blink and hand the cloth back to Vickie, "That's for emergencies, it will help stop an arterial bleed when no greater effects are available, but won't greatly help with a wound. Save it for if someone is downed and we've run out of healing magics."
Out of Character: Its just a Cure Minor Wounds on those cloths. Just 1 HP worth of healing, enough to immediately stop someone from dying, but not very useful for recovery beyond that.
I take the cloth back from Jason, looking apologetic and place it back where I had placed it before. I will search the dead bodies and see if there is anything of use.
They were eight Hobgoblins. They all have a long sword, three javelins. They have scale mail. You will find a few copper and sliver coins on them but nothing more than that. You will find some ale in the three kegs that are over by the far wall.
Out of Character: You will can recover 2 HP over night if a sloid un-interupted night of rest. Otherwise it is one HP. You can double to 4 if under the constant care of a healer. Thus the healer will get no sleep or rest.