3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 373 of 616

Keeping it simple but artistic, I'll - Page 373 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 7:02am

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Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 4:02am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
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3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game - Page 373

"Welp, let me know what I can do to help with that. I know just enough about it to know I shouldn't bother trying to guess my way through the rest."

"So what's your take on the newest arrival? He certainly seems to be taking to this with enthusiasm."

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Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 5:27am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

“A military mind, with no long distance foes? He’s probably looking forward to the nitty gritty of melee. I’d say a definite front line asset at this point. I know I’d feel good fighting shoulder to shoulder with him there. And ghost of course. So far, no signs of cross-world angst or anything, so that may become an issue later on or not. I guess it all depends on what and how we encounter things. I don’t think we need to keep any close eyes on him as yet.”
“Once the smithy reopens, I’ll see what I can do about smelting some pure copper and drawing some wire. Might take doing but their tech should have all the needed tools, as they wire wrap bolts already. That would be the first stage for any electronic devices. “.

Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 5:42am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

"Yeah, I intend to keep an eye out for any problems down the road, but it looks like he'll be a great help overall."

"I picked up some magnetite a while back, and have been working on the parts for a simple foot powered dynamo. We'll need the forge back to heat the iron past the Curie temperature, but with that and wire for an induction coil we'll be able to start making strong permanent magnets. Those in turn can go into more powerful dynamos to produce whatever power you need. I was thinking of starting with a simple water wheel generator and moving on from there."

"Straight Iron won't hold the charge as well as some other materials I'd like to get my hands on, but it will do the job for now."

Reconcile Edited: daishain on 3rd Jan, 2018 - 5:44am

Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 5:49am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Page 373 Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

"Maybe one of the first things we should do is get a location spell for specific materials. Find some Neodymium, and you'll have the most permanent strong magnet you can make without exotic manufacturing techniques. So, what's next that we need to deal with on your jar of tasks? I find I'm rather antsy sitting here without things to read or do, and the orc raid seems to have put paid to standard tasks. "

Reconcile Edited: Gknightbc on 3rd Jan, 2018 - 5:52am

Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 6:03am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

Game Role-Playing Character You Dragons and Dungeons

I wince, "Even if we can come up with a locator spell, Neodymium might be a tall order, its extremely rare from what I understand. We might have better luck finding what used to be called Kobold ore, though I'm sure these people have a different name for it. The locals probably regard it as a waste product in their mines, something to be thrown out, but it can be reduced to Cobalt. A simple iron cobalt alloy does rather well as far as magnets go. It would also be good to have for high quality steel when making things that need high wear resistance."

"As to what's next for me." I hold up the celtic cross I've been reworking ever since Thomas left, "Making this for Thomas, it'l be what was called in the books I'm familiar with as a badge of valor. It can boost the potency of a bard's performances. He was the only one to walk away from the last haul with no items. Even if it was at his request, I'd like to get something done for him, and this seems like a good start that'l benefit everyone."

Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 6:11am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game

Eyeing the cross with interest, I offer "It looks rather plain. Did you want some filigree or runic symbols on it, or something? It'll occupy my hands for a while."

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Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 6:43am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game - Page 373

"If your fingers know the way, have at. It will be a lot more difficult to add ornamentation after its been enchanted."

I'll hand the piece over and prep the things needed for the actual enchantment process while he messes with it.

Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2018 - 7:02am / Post ID: #

3.5 D&D You As Character Role-Playing Game
A Friend

3.5 D&D You Character Role-Playing Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 373

Keeping it simple but artistic, I'll add symmetric designs and scroll work, inscribing the design first, then etching the acceptable lines into V gouges. At each end of the arms, a single rune of man at the North and South, a rune of gift East and West.
Out of Character: : I know of about eight runes in total. Mostly spelling "The gift of Man is with joy in the Gods."

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