I look at Jason, "Funds? I don't know. I was along for the gathering. After all, Grog no count no money. Grog give purse to Rachel. Purse for girls." I smile at my keen wit.
Out of Character: what I mean is I lost track of how much we spent and it's late here. Can we add it up at a more decent hour?
I shake my head and grin. " Jason, do you see how sexist Grog the Neanderthal is? I think I have seen his relatives doing Geico commercials. " I laugh. " We spent 105 gold pieces on supplies the other day. That leaves us roughly 200 gold pieces without counting to get the exact amount. I forgot to purchase a weapon, shield and clothes to wear under my armor. That won't be much though. "
The river is not very wide but it is deep enough for swimming 405 feet deep in the middle. The current is not real fast but it can pull you down stream some if not swimming against it. The water is cold and refreshing.
I smile at Rachel's words as we near the village and signs of life. The smell of food cooking somewhere makes my mouth water. "Did my alter ego come to visit? Damn, I'll have to have a word with him. He does have his very minor and almost nonexistent, slightly sexist side… on the plus side he did just hand you all the money" I say with deadpan straight face.
"Did either of you ask Douglas the name of this world? Did you see it in any of your reading? Do you know it through any gaming?" I ask. "If indeed we were chosen because of our experience at Dungeons & Dragons, a given at this point I think, then we may get a little more of an advantage if we know which world. I mean, if it's one like Ravenloft, we're in trouble. But if it's Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms, well then we have some imbedded knowledge."
I scratch my chin, "Sorry, orisons, cantrips, and first level spells only for now I am afraid. So no fireballs. But it can be from any spell list. If you want someone other than me to be able to activate it though, it would need to be from the Druid or Ranger lists. In any case, it sounds like we're set on funds, 10 first level scrolls would cost me a little under a hundred gold to make, and should be more than enough."
I'll follow along with the others, thinking of ways to prepare for the days to come.
Edited: daishain on 30th Apr, 2017 - 2:54pm
You enter the stronghold and then enter the dining hall to find fresh hot food upon a table where you can grab what you like and eat. Scrambled eggs, sausage, ham, toast, some sliced fruits of a kind you are not familiar with. Cheese, biscuits and fresh bread. There is a porridge too.
I grab a plate and grab some of everything. I hunker over it and shovel it down like it might disappear at any second. Then I notice Jason and Rachel staring at me.
I sit back and sigh, "Sorry, I'm in my Army mode now. You never know how long you have to eat, when the enemy might attack, so you eat fast. Also, you never know when the next time is you may be able to eat, so you eat a lot. During my basic training, about a million years ago, we were late for a range one morning. The drills had to give us the opportunity to eat breakfast, so they let us get in line, the cooks shoveled food on our plates, and we had to take our trays right to the racks to be scraped and washed. No opportunity to sit and eat. I grabbed a big spoon and shoveled food in my mouth while I moved my tray along the line. I'm in that mode now."
"Anyone for seconds?" I ask with a grin as I take a second helping of everything.
When we finish I gather up the troops and head for the little confidence course. First I take them both and we along the tangle foot I measured out. Not through it, along it. "Count every time your left foot hits the ground. Take your normal walking stride." We make it to the end and walk back. "Now count again as we walk back." I ask them thier number. "Add them if they are different and divide them by two. That is your pace count. This is 100 meters. So, if we're out in the woods and we need to kerp track of how far we're going we use our pace count. We should each find a string and put ten heads on it. Every time you hit you pace count move a bead from one side to the other. When you hit ten we've gone a kilometer."
Out of Character: I'll let y'all answer and then post s but more about today's activities.
Edited: Abnninja on 30th Apr, 2017 - 4:22pm
I'm inclined to shovel food a bit as well, but I just grab a bit of toast, ham, eggs, and fruit. Other than muscle mass, I don't need to be maintaining weight right now.
After hearing Den's description, I grin a bit. "I didn't know the military carried around abaci."
Trying not to think about the length of my stride, I walk the course, up and down. Snapping into the best salute I know to do, I shout, "Sir, pace count is 64, sir!