" I'm good with what you wish to do with the magical items, Jason and I'm ready to get some hobs." I smile at Jason.
Looking at Rachel, "Are you ready for this?"
"Right then, lets go see Lwethialia and Lywenta, see if they have the aid they offered ready. Be, you'd be more than welcome to join us if you wish, we could use your brand of support."
Whether or not she accepts, I'll try to get her alone for a moment, asking, "In your research here, have you run across anything that might predict or stabilize the effects of those polymorphing potions?"
After speaking with her, we'll check in at the stronghold, hoping to punch into the Hob tunnels again shortly.
Edited: daishain on 12th Feb, 2018 - 3:40am
Lwethialia has a squad of six women all elfs that are ready to head into the tunnel with you. They are under your command for the time while in the tunnels only. Lywenta hands you five vials of dark vision potions.
When you talk to Be she tells you that she has a little bit of work left. Then she and her guard can join you again. She can tell you and Q that there is no way to stabilize those potions as no one has ever been able to recreate them. They are rare and not found often.
Taking what gear is offered I ready to co tinue our assault on the hobgoblin stronghold.
Out of Character: : divvy up the loot Jason, and let us k ow who gets what. All I need is two cure potions of some kind. You can cast a full level 6 fireball from the scroll?
I will take what is offered for equipment, though otherwise keep quiet and work to stay out of trouble. I will make sure to prepare myself for the tunnels before following the others to gather the support requested.
Edited: Thomaslee on 13th Feb, 2018 - 12:54am
You head towards the North tunnel once everyone has gathered and soon you are entering it. You can see the water level is to the pint that soon it will be starting to fill the north tunnels. You would estimate that to be 6-8 hours. Make sure to disperse the new equipment and place it on the character sheets.
Is the marching order changing or staying the same.
Out of character: I plan on staying near the front still with the longsword and shield out. I won't be switching to the crossbow unless I know there's going to be arranged to fight for now on. Maneuvers to be pretty much the same until I get new ones, focus on defense then offense and heals.