"Then let's get moving, as Jason pointed out, we're still in good shape to fight and there are lives on the line." As an aside to Jason while switching back to the Long sword and shield. "Next time we fight in corridors maybe we should just put the bane on my spear, that will let me still get that extra damage off while standing behind Rachel and Ghost. I won't be able to use the shield, but you guys let me get the ring so it balances out. I'm just glad my maneuvers don't require the sword as a foci."
Out of Character: for this game to move on everyone need to check out and agree on the marching order posted in the questions and discussion thread. Like I said in there this game is on hold until everyone acknowledges and agrees to the marching order. There will be no updates until that is done.
Out of character: Just tell me where you guys want me, I'm strongest on the front line with the sword, mid ground I've got the spear, back ranks I can pull out the crossbow, but it's my weakest skill shooting from range.
I will position myself and prepare for what may come, saying with a smile, "I'm ready when the rest of you are. Whether or not we have taken out half of them, we have still taken out a fair number." I offer smile of encouragement, though in truth I was more than a little nervous.
Out of Character: I'm fine with the current party hoarder, as I had seen from the map.