Sighing at the event back in the pit, I say "Looks like another recruit for the grinder. Let's go see who got Shanghaied this time."
Joining with whomever goes to investigate, I'll head back and help find the newcomer.
After we arrive back in the halls, I will make use of my developing skills with magic to try out detect magic on all the stuff we have gathered, curious about the leader's long sword. Spending many hours afterwards either in the library (If available), in the training yard or in my own room, learning and processing the new abilities I am developing.
Out of Character: Character sheet updated to level 3. Skill Monkey Super Sayan mode 1. Taking the average for HP at every level.
Edited: Gknightbc on 14th Mar, 2018 - 5:45am
"What, the heck just happened,"? I suddenly find myself in almost waist deep water. First thing, is I check my pocket's.
"Well, that's just great," I get out the mobile phone, discovering that it is soaked, and no longer working period.
I'm looking around at this point, starting to panic, perhaps I got ran over by a car? I'm looking to see if the water is rising, and what I'm inside of?
If the water is rising, will hold my breath go under water, and check to see if there is any exits, or openings?
"Damn it, forgot my googles, will just have to feel my way," I say my heart rate increasing.
I look above me, searching for any opening or light source.
"Ok, I don't feel like I died, this is so weird, I did see a car, so maybe I fell into a sink hole,"?
I'm really starting to get nervous, and check out my surroundings. Is the water cold, or hot? I cup some of it, and put into my mouth.
Checking if it is salty, or fresh?
"Wait, a minute I'm not seeing any shaft of brilliant white light," I say, my heart starting to panic. My mind in overdrive.
I'm thinking maybe I'm in some kind of holding bay, before arriving in the afterlife. Maybe, that's why I'm not seeing any angelic being yet.
Feeling a bit isolated and alone, I call out for help a few times. "Help, is anyone out there,"?
I nod to Grant, "Looks like it, I need to report in, if some of you guys can handle the orientation I'd be grateful."
I'll head with the elves to see the commander. The guard who died wasn't directly under my command, but I was leading the op, making her a part of my responsibility anyways. I will let the elves speak of their comrade first, but am not going to be absent for this.
Out of Character: Travis, little more context, the water is rising, but not at a visible rate, you can see it being fed by a small stream. You're in an open pit with three dark tunnels nearby. Guards stand at the top of the pit, a few probably have weapons raised in your direction.
As Travis starts calling for help if he looks around he can see some people standing around the edge of the pit he is in with bows and arrows at the ready pointed in your general direction. He can see a sun in the sky a little past its zenith. A lot higher in the sky than the sun he just left. The people up on the edge tell you that the water is not deep just stand up. It is fresh water and is mostly clear.
Arriving at the edge of the pit, I see the new omer and call Down "Hey, there! I'm Grant, and welcome to another universe! Come over to the side here, and the magic elevator will whisk you out of the water!" Pointing where the spot is, I watch with bow in hand for any enemy surprises, just in case.
Travis, stands up realizes he is in a pit. He holds his hands, open above his head in submission.
"Look, I'm defenseless, and mean you people no harm," he says.
"Where, am I, and who are you,"? He adds.
A smile, crosses his face, at the mention of another universe, and magic elevator. He gingerly walks up to the spot, inside the pit. He is trying to hide his inner laughter, "Sure, why not I've got nothing to loose."
"Oh, and the names Travis," he answers, not quite sure what to make of this.
His eyes squint looking at the sun high above him now, where it wasn't before. That's strange he thinks.
Edited: anronrosby on 14th Mar, 2018 - 2:19pm
Seeing his nervousness, I call down into the incipient swimming hole "Relax, friend. Come up to the top, and we'll explain it all to you. Suffice for now you are no longer in the universe you were, magic works here, and you're soaked. If you go over there "Pointing again "You'll get levitated to the cliff-top and we can get you dry and informed."
Out of Character: : KN, Is there a side stories thread for this game, or do I RP incidentals here?