Finding the room empty you head out and back to the main corridor You head to the right and follow it. After a long walk you see light ahead. Soon you come to the entrance to the NW tunnel where you are again looking out over the sink hole as it continues to fill with water.
I sigh in relief upon seeing the exit.
"So, it is done after all. Okay guys, I know it is late, but we still have a bit of work to do tonight."
"I don't want to mess with the magical items found without Lywenta and/or Be there, that stuff is their specialty. So we can leave that for tomorrow."
"The bodies we found however, they have languished in there for long enough, let us get them out with as much dignity as we can muster for their sake."
"Don't get separated or drop your guard. We cannot be entirely certain that there are not a few hostiles that have been playing hide and seek with us. I suspect Ghost would have sniffed them out if so, but still, just be careful."
I pause, realizing how tired the others must be. I love this ring that lets me get by with little sleep, but it skews my perception a bit. "Nevermind guys, go to bed. I'll report in then head to my own."
I'll let the lord and Lywenta know of the situation. If they intend to go in for cleanup before I'm done with the 2 hours of sleep I'll need, I'll draw them a map to the important things we left behind.
Out of Character: It always seems to take much much longer in those tunnels than it should.
Travis, agrees with Jason that we should all head back and have a rest.
After which he offers to help retrieve the dead bodies, in an effort to give them a proper burial.
Everyone heads in the water and towards the elevators except Grant who decides to head back into the tunnels. As the group heads up the elevator and then to the stronghold to get a nice rest you will notice that Grant did not come up with you.