"Thank, you very much, this is different," Travis says while, inspecting a herb, found by the Elf teen's.
They also inform him if it was made into a poultice, it can be used to heal wounds.
"Well done, this will come in very handy, I'm sure," He adds, storing them in a pouch.
Out of Character I must appoligise to Travis for thinking it was Jonathan that was interested in the herbs. To Jonathan I also appoligise.
In Character I enjoy being in the woods and continue to keep an eye out for any thing out the ordinary as well as any flaura and fauna that may be of interest to our herbologist.
As the Elf teens keep leading the way with Rachel and Ghost roaming out on the flanks the group keeps going for the third day. About mid day Rachel feels Ghost tense up as the elf Teens head back towards the main party yelling in Elven that a couple Bulettes are heading your way. They look to be a mated pair. The Elf teens fall into defense positions behind the main party as the party hears and sees the two Bulettes heading your way. Rachel and Ghost are to the sides and have not been seen by the Bulettes at this time. I will need current party order as it has changed with Ghost and Rachel as outriders. I will also need four rounds of actions, attacks/Damage and initiative rolls from everyone please.
Out of Character: - how wide are our travel paths - two or three abreast? I'd like to be in the fore, if ranks allow it, else second rank. Where ever Jason needs me to be, though, so he will arbitrate my location. We also need range to understand how many bow shots we can get in before melee.
Bow at the ready, I await the call to fire from Jason, aiming directly at the larger of the two creatures, even though I'm amazed by the sight of such massive, armoured beasts that closely resemble a mutated armadillo.
SA - initiative but holding first action for call to fire, then firing as able into the larger of the two. My attacks will be bow shots for as long as is safe, then dismount (Riding roll if needed) and moving in front of the horse for sword work. I'll roll three bow shots with this in mind, although I'll probably only need one or two. I will add my Factotum bonus to sword damage only two times if I hit with it, and save the third point for specials.
Out of Character: - so let's review: 16,15,5,6,1,1,3,2,8,11,8,6,1,4 base rolls. Three 1s and tons of other crap in the RNG. I sure hope you all do TONS better than these rolls. Luckily the 1s are for damage.
Edited: Gknightbc on 10th May, 2018 - 10:38pm
I start yelling, "Landsharks! Don't get too settled in! If they burrow, be ready to move to avoid them! Rachel, intercept the trailing one with Ghost, Jonathan, hold the other! Everyone else, focus fire on the nearest target as soon as you have a clear shot!"
I'll position Morgenstern somewhere I can get him to move quickly if needed, and ready my crossbow. Fortunately these things refuse to eat elves, though that doesn't mean the others are out of danger.
Out of Character: Just firing shots for now.
Travis, hears the call to rally a defence, as the party is under attack, by creatures that ressemble giant mutated armadilos.
He is on horseback, readies his crossbow, for the attack. Assuming that creatures, are stampeding down middle.
Travis, will flank to creatures right, he would've been situated in the middle of party.
Specific Action: will, wait for clear shot of nearest target.