The night passes but not quietly. Through the night you hear screams and bellows of wild animals big and small. Some hunting or some becoming prey. You can hear some growling close to the camp but who ever is on watch at the time does not see anything coming close. As the moon sets in the middle of the night the person on watch hears something flying past. They can not tell how close it is but it is either quite large or small and close. I will need spot checks from those on watch to see if they Identify anything close to them.
Travis, awakens from his śleep has some of his rations for breakfast. "I wonder if we will encounter an outpost, maybe a fishing village, near the large body of water,”? He says.
Still tinkering away, I may not have much attention to spare for watch, but I do try to not be fully oblivious.
Out of Character: No I don't have it I'm afraid. I'm up most of the night each night working on magic items thanks to the ring of sustenance. Normally have ping out, but it's out scouting this time.
Out of Character: I normally don't sleep well in a new place, so can do a watch. Will roll for the Listen check. Will do a Search one as well.
Unable to sleep I get up and walk around the campsite. Leaving Jason alone to do his work but checking the fire and the area for anything that might wish to come into the camp.
I walk around the perimeter of our camp as the group slumbers. Ghost's huge bulk beside me is very comforting in this strange place.
Out of Character: : Rolling to find out if her or Ghost see the mysterious creatures better.