Rolling off my bedroll I say a quick prayer, I'd never hoped to encounter these things in any world knowing the viscous nature of their vampiric -like attack. Hoping that like vampires they don't like fire, I grab for a log and my sword instead of shield and sword.
Out of Character: : Touch AC 14. Armor isn't on, but I do sleep with the Belt and Ring on. I will try to get a count of them and will prepare to attack any that latch onto a party member, otherwise, I will be trying to deter them with the fiery log and flashing steel.
After warning the others I quickly summon some help. An odd combination of horse and eagle swoops into the horde of small creatures. It bites and claws visciously at them as it closes in. I then grab my club and swing at any that I see. Ghost jumps up and snaps at any that get too close to him.
Out of Character: : First turn spent summoning the hippogriff who attacks all four rounds rolled. Boosted Strength and con due to enhanced summoning feat. Touch AC for Rachel is 13. Ghost touch AC is 18. Touch AC for hippogriff is 11 and normal AC is 15 if it can use that since it is flying as well. Hippogriff HP: 31.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 31st Aug, 2018 - 2:28pm
The Stirges get the drop on you as they swarm in for the attack. The Following people have a Stirge on them Grant, Jonathan, Thomas, Ghost, Jason, Thalica, and One of the elf teen boys. The others were all missed. You will all have to make a successful grapple strength check to get them off. 17 or better. Grant takes 3 points Constitution damage, Jonathan takes 4 Con damage, Thomas takes 2 Con damage, Ghost takes 4 Con damage, Jason take 4 con damage, Thalica takes 3 con damage and the other Elf teen takes 3. This is all from blood loss as they are attached to you and feeding off you like a Mosquito.
Grant is able to hit one flying around killing it. Travis misses, Jonathan misses, Rachel casts a spell, Vickie misses, Thomas begins to sing giving people a +2 on their attack rolls, Q hits killing one. Ghost jumps and takes one out as Jason and Be both hit also killing one each. The only ones left are the ones on the characters listed. You can attack them while they are on the character or wait for the characters to get them off. Let me know what everyone is going to do and I will post the next round then.
Cursing at the thing attached to me, I drop my crossbow and instead draw the morningstar at my belt. I try to position myself to get a clean strike at the monstrosity swiftly draining my blood. Thalica does much the same with her dagger.
Travis, sees some of his companions attacked from what looks like giant mosquitos.
He summons, an eagle to swoop down and attack the nearest vermin within range of him.
Specific Action: casting from summon monster 2, table one eagle for a duration of 3 rounds. Attacking nearest vermin, thats latching onto nearest party member?
Combat stats: hit points=3, fly=80 feet. AC=14,
AC touch=13. Reach=5ft.
Fort save=+3 wingspan=7feet, length=3feet.
Out of Character: Note, Travis is level 3, now so duration for summoning is for 3 combat rounds.
Edited: anronrosby on 2nd Sep, 2018 - 12:32am
I grit my teeth in frustration as I see many of my companions grappled by these strange creatures. With a quick word and gesture a distortion is seen in the air. I smile at the summoned air elemental. "Get these creatures off my friends and I." The air elemental flies to the nearest person and tries to free then from their vampiric Rider. It will continue to do so for the next few rounds. The elemental will grip them and if able to remove them will proceed to slam them into the ground.
Out of Character: : Elemental has 17AC and 13 hitpoints. Ghost will try to throw off his rider and kill it.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Sep, 2018 - 3:49am