You begin your searching and you have not been at for a hour when Ghost suddenly heads to the west. You all hear a growl and then an animal scream in pain followed by something large crashing to the ground in the woods just out of sight of you.
"Well, from what I know, the part he likes best and will eat fist is the guts. He's dressing it for us. I'm sure Rachel can coax him away for a bit after he gorges himself so we can cut a few backstraps and maybe take a flank. Of course, if we do this every predator within a mile will be able to smell us. And some of the predators on this planet probably carry bows and clubs and have some modicum of intelligence." I look at Jason and ask, "Would they be sapient? Say, Orcs for instance?"
"I don't recall orcs having a good enough sense of smell to present a problem much before coming close enough for their eyes and ears to be used. At the moment, the only common sapient race I can recall with notably better than human olfactory senses are gnomes, and even they didn't have the official scent ability. I don't think we need to worry too much about gnomes regardless."
"That said, as much digging through monster manuals as I've done, I don't think I have ever paid that much attention to how well particular creatures smell. Besides, there are plenty of nonsapient things that could present a big problem if they pick up our scent. I don't particularly care to tangle with a hungry owlbear for instance. So perhaps not the best idea."
As Jason finishes speaking we start getting a bit nearer to Ghost. I take the center and have Jason and Rachel spread out a bit, on line. "No lighting bolt is going to get all three of us" I think, "Just in case."
Out of Character: Oh wise and all powerful Dungeon Master, do you need any rolls from us?
You walk to where you heard the crash and see what looks like a cross between a moose and deer but has six legs instead of four. It is large and the horns look wide and wicked. Ghost is sitting there with a bloody snout waiting for Rachel. IF Dennis or Jason try to touch or get close to the creature he will growl and/or snap at you.