I look at the big brute and say, "Whoa there, nice going Ghost." I let Rachel approach.
Out of Character: Oops, I just realized Ghost had a bloody snout because he killed it! *laugh*, attention to detail Den!
Edited: Abnninja on 10th May, 2017 - 7:04pm
I place a hand on Rachel's shoulder, "Pack Alpha, I believe he waits on you. The first share of the kill is yours. If you want me or Dennis to handle it, you'll have to make that clear to Ghost first."
Edited: daishain on 11th May, 2017 - 12:04am
I flex my muscles and stoop over with my hands down towards the ground. " Me Grog. " I giggle. " Seriously, I don't want any part of that meat. I don't have the first idea how to cut it. I'm used to going to a grocery store for meat. " I walk to Ghost. I pat his head. " Ghost, will you back away and let my friends and I share in your kill? Den and Jason will tear the meat if you let them. It will be for me as well though. "
"Well Rachel, unless you plan to turn vegetarian as well as druid, not something I recommend given the lack of nutritional supplements in this world, you'll have to learn at some point."
"Dennis, I can show her if you keep a look out. I just remembered that prestidigitation is on the list of things I can manage spontaneously, scent shouldn't be an issue shortly after we're done."
"Now Rachel, one of the biggest concerns with dressing your own meat is cross contamination. Cooking helps a great deal, especially with the parasites deer are usually infested with, but it is best to keep the meat as clean as we can from the start. With that in mind, the first step in a field dress is the removal of the major internal organs, get them out and away from the parts we actually want, preferably without rupturing them. Ghost should appreciate that, he'll be able to get at the liver right off the bat."
"You'll want a large knife, a couple of inches long at the blade, with a sturdy handle, the daggers we got before will work fine, but anything much smaller will have problems. The sharper it is the better, you don't want to spend hours severing muscle tissue with a dull edge. With the blade, we need to make a long cut, through the skin from pelvis to sternum… "
Out of Character: Don't know how detailed you want me to go into that, so I'll leave it there for now. Suffice it to say we'll have a fair quantity of six legged megaloceros (Or whatever this thing is called) meat shortly enough, and Rachel should have a new appreciation of anatomy.
Edited: daishain on 11th May, 2017 - 4:04am