"Only in cave complexes that may lead to dungeons in magic worlds chasing Goblins. Otherwise I'm usually a pessimist." I smile while maintaining my vigilance, "Focus forward Den. They are counting on you… and you on them" I think.
Edited: Abnninja on 17th May, 2017 - 10:59pm
"There are plenty of dangers that Ghost wouldn't be able to warn us of. For instance, goblins love traps. They're not nearly as bad about that as kobolds, but still."
"In any case, controlled paranoia is how we stay alive. I may not be a soldier, but I've played enough of this to know that its the characters who plan for danger around every corner that make it to high levels. Just keep an eye out and step carefully."
Staying in the formations we've practiced, I move forward with the rest.
Edited: daishain on 17th May, 2017 - 9:50pm
I carefully take a look down the left with the others, ready to take action.
In the event it is clear, I'll answer Den's query with "Sure, but bear in mind we only have the one bell, and this is pretty far from a foolproof alarm."
I'll then secure a piece of twine stretched across the left passage, about 4 inches off the ground. The bell I leave attached at the side, in the position least likely to be noticed.
You see nothing in the corridor to the left and you continue down the straight passageway after tying a trip wire wit (Laugh) small bell on it across the left passageway. You travel another 60 feet when the corridor comes to a T intersection. Left or right?