I grin at the two of them. " Please don't disturb a Balrog. I don't think a Barrett would help much against one Den. Probably just upset it a little. It's a nice idea though. It would be very helpful to have a shotgun or pistol. " I lead on with Ghost and stay away from the pool!
The room is roughly about 90 feet deep and about 40-50 feet wide with a large swallow pool in the middle taking up most of the room. (See map) The pool is fresh water. How well are you going to check this room and pool? Add search and spot checks.
"Let's check for other exits and leave the pool be. We're here for goblins, and anything that lives in there is unlikely to leave it for any real length of time. Likewise, anything that lives in there is going to have a serious advantage over all of us."
I look at Jason and then at Rachel. I'm now torn. "I'm good with that too. But what if this pool has some type of magical qualities. Damn, this is a lot harder when it's you doing the exploring and not some character you rolled up. Rachel, what do you think? I know I'm being wishy washy here, but there are pros and cons to both approaches and I don't think standing here and weighing them is an appropriate alternative."
I shrug. " I would rather check the pond out. If I'm in the minority I'm fine with that. I've seen too many movies where it comes back to haunt those that bypass something like this. This could be the fountain of youth. " Grinning I wait for the consensus.