Nah, its Eberron Campaign Setting, the same book my class is from, so should be available.
Unfortunately, Crysteel, at least the version available there, is only useful to a psionically active character, of which we have none at present. I mean, Psion, Psychic Warrior, or some of the others are hardly the most horrible dip classes in the world, but it is a little much to go that route just so one can get a +1 to damage from one's crysteel weapon.
All this sounds fine to me, though honestly I am a little worried about getting to you guys. Hopefully I can go another night with anything coming onto me with harm and the morning comes with new light for me to find the road. From there, I can make my way to the fortress.
Also, for the mythril. In weapon form it is also considered the same as alchemical silver.
As for ideas, I have one. A set of bracers. Though until you can make wondrous items, they are only master work quality and don't give any benefit. However, once you get the ability to make wondrous items, they can then be made into Bracers of Armor. What do you think?
This came about sense I can't use any armor, it doesn't mean I can't use magic items that boost my defensive standing. Also the bracers will only take a few hours to make.
I suspect that by the time I'd get around to making otherwise functionless bracers, I'll be level 3, and will be able to craft wondrous items. I'd just craft it directly at that point if funds allow.
If you are wondering, the schedule for feats granted by the artificer is wondrous, homunculi, Arms&armor, wands, Rods, staves, and rings at levels 3,4,5,7,9,12, and 14 respectively
I could spend feats to speed up the acquisition of a few of these and retrain said feats later, but that won't help things by more than a level or two. Edited: daishain on 15th Jun, 2017 - 4:38am