How can we put a bracer on a dire wolf and not expect him to chew it off? He has displayed many times he is still a wild animal with wild animal tendencies. I mean, anything any of my dogs could get to they chewed off. The amulet seems more realistic as we could put it around his neck and he couldn't get to it to chew off.
The actual form of a magic item is pretty malleable. It could just as easily be a pair of thin torc style bracelets as bracers so long as they're worn in the right place. Might need to tinker with the design until its right, but a set that Ghost rarely even notices is there should be doable.
Out of Character: This may be the best, most truthful exchange I've ever experienced in a game… Dungeons & Dragons or otherwise. It reminds me of real reactions I've seen a time or two. Rachel, that was simply perfect.
I do hope you guys don't judge me too harshly in this.
We've managed to touch upon several of my biggest weaknesses. My reasoning ability goes down sharply when emotions are running high, I don't express myself well in similar situations, and I mentally shut down when berated by someone I respect. I'm trying to portray that as honestly as I can, but its not a pretty picture.
Some times the best game play come after a intense battle or when you are in a situation that your damned if you do and damned if you don't. I think I was able to do that very well in this cave so far. Who knows what will come next *smile* Insert evil laugh.
I hope to that my most recent post is received well. The fact that I ran off after the goblin when it had taken the child I feel would be what I'd do, the protective instinct taking over as my emotions ran rough.
The fact that there was other goblins still in the room not registering over what was been shown before my very eyes. Abuse, mutilation, and death, the thought of seeing a child carried off after discovering all this wouldn't be something I see myself letting happen without chasing after the creature.
Hopefully though it is understood that I don't feel Rachel's life is any less important, and how it was simply a heat of the moment given the situation. Knowing that she was taken would effect me, as to the guilt I played in it happening to her.
Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Aug, 2017 - 1:38am