You and Rachel should be at the same point as me. I had 400 xp written down, we got 3,900 from this arc. 3,000 xp is needed to get to L3. Final total, 1,300 xp left over.
Thomas (And Allen if he ever returns), should be sitting at Level 2 with 2,900 xp left over, just barely didn't make it to L3, though a patrol or two should be able to fix that.
Oh, right, also, I can now do Wondrous item crafting. There aren't going to be many things we can afford to make in that category just yet, but we could get a few items rolling. +1 rings of protection for instance could be done for 750 gp. Edited: daishain on 15th Aug, 2017 - 8:54pm
Right, so party powwow time. My current crafting list is as follows:
-Three mithral breastplates for myself, Dennis, and Thomas. Cost for each: 2 weeks, 0gp (But 1/4 of the mithral chunk I have)
-One MW Great Crossbow with Cbow sight for myself. Cost: 2 weeks, 275gp
-Various utility magic scrolls, including replacements for those used in the goblin caves. Cost(For L1 spells): 1 day, 9.4 gp
Potential additions to the list, bearing in mind we have about 4k gp to work with:
-various masterwork weapons/gear, cost: 2 weeks, (300+baseitemcost)/2
-amulets of natural armor+1 (Probably starting with Rachel since she's a bit gipped by the default list), cost: 2 days, 750 gp
-Heward's Handy Haversack, cost: 2 days, 750 gp
-Badge of Valor (For Thomas, boosts Inspire courage effect), cost 2 days, 525 gp
-Other magic items in the wondrous/scroll/potion category, multiply the base item cost by 0.375 to see how much the needed materials would dip into the funds.
Any suggestions or requests?
Kntoran, I'll need an item worth 2k gp for the Item Familiar requirements. I'd prefer to use a +1 ring of protection, since its the most likely thing in budget range that I'd want to keep for the long run. But I can't craft rings yet. So two queries, is such an item for sale in town? And if so, would the owner be willing to trade for a freshly made wondrous item of similar value?