I want to remind you I have all the books Page 9 of the spell compendium is spells nothing about non magical text. IF your gonna quote a book then get your book correct.
If you wish to be a regular bard that is fine with me. Decide now and live with it I will not give you another chance to switch.
Edited: KNtoran on 28th Aug, 2017 - 2:45am
Sighs, I didn't have the book open on my end I just did a search for cleric spells. My apologizes for the misquote as such was unintended. I will be fair more careful will such in the future, as I don't like making mistakes. What makes this worse, is I actually own a physical copy, I just don't know where I put it.
I'd like to be a Divine Bard, yet since I can't use the one from the book Unearthed Arcane I guess that means I will go simply with the regular Bard. I just don't feel comfortable with giving up so much of the class, especially Bardic Knowledge among other class features. Though this isn't so bad, as time goes on I will have very nice knowledges.
The current Character Sheet should be correct to the regular Bard.
Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Aug, 2017 - 2:53am
Thomas did get it correct. He was saying he would pick the cantrip Amanuensis, which is on SC page 9, I'm looking at it right now. Its function is to copy nonmagical text, it isn't named copy nonmagical text.
Edited: daishain on 28th Aug, 2017 - 2:53am
Ah ok I misread that I thought he was saying the level zero spell list was on page nine yes I am familiar with the spell Amanuensis.
As from the beginning the unearthed arcana book leave the divine bard incomplete in my opinion and only a couple paragraphs leave it way too open ended thus ripe for abuse and other factors that is why I put some limitations on the class.
I treated the Divine Bard from Unearthed Arcana as more a reflavored variant of the Bard, with the intention of there not being a lot of changes. Adding a few extra spells and treating the Bard spell list as divine was enough for me. Though I am confused to know what abuse you feel might come from the variant as it.
I am fine with discussing a few additional limitations or changes, but not to the extent where I am being tossed Domains that I don't really want and losing what I do want. I like the Bard class, much as it is, I simply felt it would be interesting to have one which divinely empowered or guided by a deity instead of simply coming from within.
Maybe we can find a middle ground or compromise? Where you feel it isn't ripe for abuse but doesn't change the class as much or take away important class feature? I am open for ideas and some additional consideration on such.
Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Aug, 2017 - 3:26am
Well how about keeping Bardic Knowledge, with all Knowledge skills as class skills, and not gaining two Domains? Honestly, more of an unfair trade to my detriment since the additional spells could well be more useful… yet it is what I'd prefer.
It may seem like an odd sticking point, but I greatly enjoy the fact that Bards are generally the most knowledge characters in the group with lore and stories to draw from in their travels.