This is something I was thinking about as well. I'll try to keep the enemy off of you two for now. Hopefully I can help with the front line issue in a few levels. My plan is to go heavy with summon nature's allies for now. Once I hit level 5 I can use wildshape and should be pretty good at close range. It might be a bit rough until level 5. We shall see I suppose.
Yes, I'm more of a fire support guy as well. I felt that aligned more with my sniper training. I can fight in a pinch, but hitting from a distance is more my thing. We'll have to plan things out very carefully for a few levels. Also, I'll have fairly limited access from 1000-1500 EDT. I may be able to post but I'm not sure. Edited: Abnninja on 19th Apr, 2017 - 9:10am
Another query, this time concerning the Rapid Reload feat, and the Quick Loading magic weapon property.
They both have the same effect on crossbows. They reduce the reload time on a heavy or great crossbow from a full action down to a move action, or the reload time on a light crossbow from a move action down to a free action.
The feat presumably does it by improving the speed of the reload routine with your hands, the weapon property does it by effectively giving the weapon a 100 bolt extra-dimensional magazine, meaning the reload routine is reduced only to drawing back the bowstring.
If the two were used in tandem, could a heavy or great crossbow be reloaded with a free action? Aside from not requiring that I stand still between shots, this would allow me to actually use any iterative attacks when my BAB finally hits 6+
Basically, for the long run, I am considering slapping a gnomish crossbow sight onto a great crossbow, and from there building it up into the closest I can get to a large semi-auto rifle suitable for medium range.
I cannot claim nearly as much experience with such weapons as Abnninja or Kntoran, but the primary airsoft gun I play with is a replica of a Mk14 EBR, and replicating the feel and function of that as much as I can here would be quite amusing. It also rather fits my focus on using real world knowledge to our advantage in this world.
Great crossbow (Complete Warrior I think) is an exotic version of the heavy crossbow, deals 2d8 damage. Yes, it will take a feat to get proficiency, but unlike Abn, it would already cost me a feat to get access to the more traditional choice of a composite longbow, so….
EDIT: nope, Races of Stone, not Complete Warrior. Edited: daishain on 19th Apr, 2017 - 4:25pm
I will have to double check those feats to see if the stack. If they do not stack together then no. But let me look into it more later and I will get back with you on that. It is a very good idea. One that many may not have thought about *smile*.
To reduce the time you need to spend hunting on my behalf:
Rapid Reload is an SRD feat, should be able to look it up with a simple search
Quick Loading is a +1 cost magic weapon enchantment, it is found on the bottom of page 41 of the Magic Item Compendium.
Unless I missed something, neither of them mention whether or not they stack. There is no mention at all of what happens if one is applied to a heavy crossbow that has already had its reload speed improved. Hence the query.
EDIT Oh, and while I'm listing things for your reference, Gnome crossbow sight is a nonmagical item listed in the arms and equipment guide, page 36. It causes targets to be treated as though they were two range increments closer (So attach one to the great crossbow mentioned before, and I could hit out to 360' without penalty, with reduced penalties for farther targets. If I find that kind of 'long' range action particularly useful, I might even pick up the Far Shot feat as well, to bring base range increments from 120' to 180', and be able to shoot at a range of around 2000' at the extreme). Edited: daishain on 19th Apr, 2017 - 5:34pm
Since I'll be using a light crossbow and have the feat I am definitely going to look into the Gnome crossbow sight. That might help a bit with our lack of a tank. We could soften up an enemy for a bit before we come into contact. Plus, it meshes well with my sniper training… merging the old Den with the new Den.