Welp, there's no increase to stats or feats at present. Presuming you stick with the Ardent class for level 2, your BAB goes up by 1, as does your base Will save, 5 more power points, 4 more skill points, and you get to pick a new mantle, and a new power.
For the skill points, I'd suggest just upping your main skills for now. For Mantle and Power, what would complement your needs most right now?
Jason- I was thinking of the Time Mantle with the L1 power it has; which is: target's speed is halfed.
It certainly seems like that would work. Make sure you coordinate when you use it though, if your target is going to spend the next four rounds not moving…
Leveled Qwantithalica up, decided to go for 1 level of Scout rather than the second level of ranger for the moment, though I'll be getting back to the latter for level 3. Fluff wise, I see this as a product of the somewhat more martial focus in regards to the training she's had lately.
Most immediate impact of this, she deals extra damage if attacking after moving 10+ feet. Edited: daishain on 11th Dec, 2017 - 4:24am
KN, what alchemy products are available to be made? Just the PHB list or the Dragon Mag stuff as well? Also, I am taking Iaijustu for the extra attack damage rolls, is that okay? Edited: Gknightbc on 12th Dec, 2017 - 9:25pm
As far as alchemy is concerned the mage that makes the stuff strictly produces potions found in the DMG and UA. I am sure if you went and got the ingredients for something else she would make it for you with a steep surcharge.