Travis, there is no way anyone would be injured more than an hour or two after a battle. You can always get spells of healing and be fully cured from a lot if us. If any of us are still hurt after a few hours, something is majorly wrong.
No, I'm not stating that Travis is currently injured, just merely stating what his starting HP total is.
He just needs another 1,800 exp to progress to level 3, now. Then he will be able to gain, extra two level 2, spell slots.
Just need to confirm, now, how he can acquire Druid spells?
Hey Fatebringer, looks like you forgot to mention you were using that glitterdust I handed you. Might want to add that in before Kn assumes it doesn't get used.
It also looks like you forgot to factor in orcbane I slapped on your sword, +2 to hit, and +2d6 damage.
Edited: daishain on 7th Jul, 2018 - 4:42pm