They may need help getting out if they are weighed down by armor. The elf teens do know how to swim. Thanks for the reminder that they have on armor to make it harder to swim.
Edited: KNtoran on 14th Aug, 2018 - 10:15pm
Who thought that factotums and rogues are balanced vs each other. I would be upset if I was playing a rogue in 3.5. Literally the only advantage the rogue has over the factotum is sneak attack. The factotum blows the rogue away in pretty much everything else. Wow. Those are some insane skill bonuses at a low level.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 15th Aug, 2018 - 2:48am
The major disadvantage is that a Factotum can only boost a single skill one time per day. The Jump for me is a special case, with magical boots giving a +9 and synergy giving a +2. Base skill is also boosted by the Brains over Brawn feature for +4.