Anron, I think that you must have missed some xp. You are level 3 and Grant and Vickie are level 4. You have been in the game a month longer. I don't see how you aren't level 4 as well. I'm not sure how you can get your xp caught up to exactly what it should be.
Everyone is responsible for keeping track of their own Experience. If you missed the post on what experience you have received then you may need to go back and relook. I will not keep track of where you are in experience unless you level up quicker than you should. That being said Anron you may want to go back and double check your experience received.
I thought I was level 3, but need to find scrolls in the wild So to speak. If I want to learn Druidic spells.
I did start, a short time after everone else.
I would go back and check Anron. In the GM stats area it shows the day that each character was created. Travis' character sheet was created over a month ahead of Grant and Vickie. I don't remember you taking a month to get your character up and running. You had to have been in game before them. It's worth checking into anyways. I would want all the xp I'm supposed to have.
I had to scroll back a bit, but now can say when my character started.
On 14th, march 2018 Travis got transported from earth, to his new world p451.
On 28th, march 2018 Travis, gets his mystical vision, or download as the others have noted. Then becomes an Archivist, level?
Unfortunately, Travis wasn't arround in 2017, as previously thought. KN may need to amend this date in his GM notes.
But, since Travis character sheet, and avatar now shows level 3. I however, cannot recall what Travis, starting level was at that date in march this year?
Perhaps KN can enlighten me on this?
However, what would come in handy for him, Travis would be a druid scroll/spell or two to learn.
In addition, to a well stocked alchemy laboratory, to make up some more potions.