Trinidad & Tobago Catholics
Name: George
Title: Praying till kingdom come
Comments: The local archbishop of the Catholic church must face the reality of life, and what has happened and is still happening here.The impression given here since our independence is that politicians here do not really care about our ordinary citizens and the administering of correct justice. They have, and are still only interested in feathering the nests of themselves are their wealthy associates. They play at politics here and use projects of grandeur to project an image of our national progress and well being. The archbishop must look at the things that matters to the common man here. There have been no significant honest advancement either to the environment or the actual living conditions of citizens here.Many are still having to use outside latrines and are doing without the basic amenities such as water, street lighting and proper welfare,medical or educational facilities. Practically everything that looks good is tarred with the aspects of corruption at the expense of our ordinary citizens. The ordinary citizens are well aware of this, and although they may put God first they cannot make any real progress without the genuine help of those in authority and in the corridors of power. The writing is on the wall, for as long as politicians here rely on one racial group or the other to support their form of politics we are simply going to remain stagnant with the already wealthy and powerful gaining all the rewards. All the ordinary man here could look forward to is more poverty,unemployment and high cost of living despite their praying and belief in God. The meter of financial benefits and racial inequality has to be calibrated to the advantage of the ordinary man here, before anything changes that will benefit this society as a whole. Putting God first may offer some potential hope but that is about all to expect here. Without genuine commitment from those in authority and in the corridors of power, praying till kingdom come will make little difference here.
Catholicism is pretty much the major religion in Trinidad. I have to agree with George above, there's certainly some obviousness to the current situation of T&T, probably not even that since they might be some sort of bias among the types of people and areas in the island. I wouldn't be surprised there might be some sort of abuse in power among the Catholics along with your daily dose of corruption.