Navy's newest destroyer breaks down
The Navy’s $4 billion guided-missile destroyer Zumwalt is laid up in Panama after suffering a slew of “engineering issues,” and it has delayed its journey to its home port of San Diego. Its latest problem appears to involve the propulsion system. Ref. Source 9z
Image from Wikimedia public domain.
Zumwalt - Us Navy Destroyer (Hover)
These new ships look like something out of a low budget video game. I think Obama has the military lop sided with too much concentration on being high tech and yet not being able to get the job done in the end.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 16 1.6%
Careful who you accuse of things. No president had a significant hand in that ship's design so far as I'm aware (They'd better not have), but if you think that one did, you should know the project has been ongoing since 1994.
As for the polygonal look, believe it or not, that's an important design feature. Combined with the right hull materials, the radar profile of a craft designed like that is reduced considerably, making it considerably more difficult to both locate and accurately hit the thing.
Now, I will agree that too much of the military budget is being spent on whizbang toys rather than reliable and effective design. But you can thank certain manufacturing/design companies and their hoards of lobbyists for that one considerably more than any one president I can name. Edited: daishain on 26th Nov, 2016 - 4:26am
Every time a new design is brought out there is a lot of fixes that need to be done to get it running smoothly so that they can make more with the same designs and fixes already incorporated into them. I like the design makes it more like a low profile stealth type of ship.