You can lay it out like this:
* No. Of games you were the dungeon master
* No. Of games you were the player
* No. Of those games were played in person or online
* No. Of games you enjoyed a lot
* All the systems you've played in the past.
Wow, some of these are too hard to count. Here is what I can tell you. I have been in eight online games in the past. That doesn't count the three here. I DMed three of those. For non-onine games, I've been in too many to count and DMed a whole bunch.
I have played every version of Dungeons & Dragons except 4e. That includes when it came in a box and the three books were Men & Magic, Monsters & Treasure, Underworld & Wilderness Adventures. I have played Pendragon, L5R, GURPS, Dragon Quest, LOTR by ICE, Rune, Star Frontiers, Traveller, and there could be some I forgot.
Now, some I barely played and others I played a lot.
*6 or 7 depending on whether or not one counts the game where players hotswap in and out of the Dungeon Master chair.
*10ish in person, 5 online
*define a lot
* Dungeons & Dragons 3.5,4E,5E; Pathfinder; Star Wars D20 (Briefly).
Oh the list would go on and on for a long time for me.
1. Probably around 20-25
2. I would say close to 200-300 been playing since 1981.
3. Most of those were played in person On line Dungeons & Dragons gaming I have been only doing about 8 years or so now and not very regular until the past three years..
4. I enjoy every game I have been in. Even if the game did not go the way I thought I still learned and enjoyed it.
5. Dungeons & Dragons, DDO, Star wars, Starwars KOTOR, Star trekm Atari, X-Box, Nintendo legend of zelda games, rune scape, skyrim, Dragon age, Sims, Lords of might and magic, Fable, Two worlds, Stronghold, Etc. I have played a lot of games in my life.