Anyone who remembers this case: Trinis Using Youtube To Make Threats will know how that turned out and yet we have simple minded Trinis still saying the most vile of things against people via social media.
This one guy, Rayad Mohammed of Rio Claro who was probably upset about the terrible tragedy of Videsh Subar & Rose Mohammed Murder Case decided he would take it out on PM Rowley and his own family using words such as "Rape", etc. This was not taken likely and Rayad was taken into custody by police.
I do not condone such behavior but I cannot help but wonder if Rayad's reaction to the murders was not a brash response to the state of affairs in this country where we read of heinous acts against citizens and yet the politicians just keep talking as though the more they talk the more crimes are solved. People are tired of hearing the same thing over and over they want results not more talk.
At the same time, no one and I mean no one has the right to go online and cyberbully someone else because they do not like them, worst off they should not insinuate that crimes should be committed against them or their family. One evil is not solved by another evil.
That's the point, no matter what you do the politics remain the same; all corrupted. I believe there MIGHT be a more genuine political head working in the government but besides that if the people don't really care about murders happening everyday the situation will end up desentized.