Generational Cycles & Behavior

Generational Cycles Behavior - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 4th Aug, 2008 - 8:21pm

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4th Aug, 2008 - 8:21pm / Post ID: #

Generational Cycles & Behavior

There is a body of work by several authors (two main people, Strauss & Howe) detailing Generational Cycles in America and how it affects directly on attitudes, behaviors, and even the economy and politics. I had a difficult time deciding where to post this, because there are so many different facets to this theory. The implications, if correct, are staggering regarding the very near future of America.

Here is a little bit to pique your interest:

William Strauss and Neil Howe have compiled the most important piece of work Americans need to break the negative cycles that truly hold this country back from the next collective threshold.

Their in-depth look into each of the eighteen generations in America's history is not only a masterpiece in and of itself, it's also an enormous learning tool. Furthermore, their work into the cycles that these generational archetypes create, called Turnings, is a big-picture view of our Nation's entire history painted ingeniously. What more could any society ask for than to have this work put in front of them? It answers so many questions.

Strauss & Howe have invited others to take this work to the next level. There is much more research that needs to be done. Thankfully, Bill and Neil have created a mighty foundation. My hope is, somewhere in this great country of ours, someone is thinking about funding such an endeavor.

Once I discovered Generational Theory, I was able to truly step back in time and into the shoes of many of our historical figures. Generational Theory links all of us together. It weaves a basic strand back in time that connects us with similarities that are very simple to understand.

It wasn't just Generational Theory itself that accomplished this. It was the two men that I came to know as the greatest generational writers of our era.

Strauss & Howe grouped everyone into 18 generations and 4 archetypes. The archetypes are born in order, Hero, Artist, Idealist, Nomad, and  the 18 generations stretch back to the first settlers in America. Nobody had done this kind of work until William Strauss and Neil Howe.

They paint a big picture of American history that is easy to understand and gives explanations for events that make sense.

Their Generational Theory is a framework that you can use to place dates and people with simplicity. Furthermore you will become connected to figures in the past that you never knew possible. When you become familiar with the four archetypes, you suddenly find that you have much in common with some of the greatest people of our past. This is due to the fact that you are one of these archetypes and you share common behavioral patterns with many people from our past.
Winter Is Coming:  America feels like it's unraveling.

Though we live in an era of relative peace and comfort, we have settled into a mood of pessimism about the long-term future, fearful that our superpower nation is somehow rotting from within.

Neither an epic victory over Communism nor an extended upswing of the business cycle can buoy our public spirit.  The Cold War and New Deal struggles are plainly over, but we are of no mind to bask in their successes.  The America of today feels worse, in its fundamentals, than the one many of us remember from youth, a society presided over by those of supposedly lesser consciousness.  Wherever we look, from L.A. to D.C., from Oklahoma City to Sun City, we see paths to a foreboding future.  We yearn for civic character but satisfy ourselves with symbolic gestures and celebrity circuses.  We perceive no greatness in our leaders, a new meanness in ourselves.  Small wonder that each new election brings a new jolt, its aftermath a new disappointment.

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