As a child,I remember a school teacher trying to make me use the right hand.She would take the pencil from the left hand and place it in my right hand. She would always say " It's not good to be left handed." But she never gave me a reason why. And til this day, I can't figure out why she did that ? What's wrong with being left handed ? Is there some history to this that I don't know about. When I deployed to Kosovo in 2001. The Albanians would stare in disbelief when they see me writing. In Kosovo they tie the babies left hand down to his or her side to prevent them from using the left hand. Now once again I'm being picked on in Iraq. *laugh*! In Iraq the left hand is considered the unclean hand.They use the left hand to wipe themself after handling busisiness. (Bathroom / #2) They do not use toilet paper. That's one reason why the plumbing is not too great. If caught stealing, they chop the right hand off and leave you with the left hand. (Unclean hand) So as a lefty I find myself in Iraq using my right hand more often. I don't want to offend the Iraqi's when shaking hands.
It's purely cultural. Especially in the Middle East, and Muslim countries in general, as Islam itself appears to foster some of the "left hand unclean" stuff.
I am also a lefty. While stationed in Saudi Arabia, we were warned to make sure that we did not eat anything with our left hands, as this would greatly offend our "hosts".
I can't figure out how right-handed people get anything done, it is so clumsy.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
It's my understanding that quite a few geniuses are left-handed. One of my sisters is a lefty, and she's quite brilliant I think it's a tragedy that kids are (or have been) treated so poorly over it sometimes.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
I know what you mean Nighthawk. When I first started eating with my right hand. I was so clumsy and just felt awkward. Now drinking with the right hand is not a problem. It's getting the mechanics down of holding a fork or spoon in my right hand. I think more food goes on the table than in my belly. !
I have the curse of being able to use both hands. I eat and write with my right hand, but do everything else with my left. When I broke a finger on my right hand, I was forced to write with my left and actually was able to adapt quite easily. However, people do look at me strangely when I throw a ball with my left, or bat left handed, etc, and then sign the credit card slip with my right
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
I know exactly what your talking about Malexander. I throw a baseball and football with my left hand. But can only throw a frisbee right handed. I also kick a soccer ball and football with my right. Now I can see why right handed people consider us backwards. !
Now that I think about it, I do throw a frisbee right handed, but throw a baseball with my left. Never realized that until just now. The bad thing is that people like us can't really say we're right handed or left handed. My daughter had a school project where she had to tally people who were right handed vs left handed and I had to reply with "I dunno?!"
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
Sorry to be so annoying with words... but when you are able to use both hands/feet interchangeably, that's called ambidextrous Great word!
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%