How To Choose A Character's Name?
You’re ready to choose a character name for a role-playing game in which you want to participate. Your character’s name has the same importance as your name. Character Name Choices For Your Role-playing Game - Text Role-playing Game
How To Choose A Character's Name? (Hover)
I am very good at coming up with names. I have a mind that keeps working all the time and it is hard to shut off. This makes it very easy for me to come up with interesting names.
I use multiple ways to come up with names. Sometimes I can make one up out of the blue, like Ildrahil. Sometimes I steal them from something I read, like Glorfindel. Some I go online to get by typing, Dwarven or Elven names for example. Sometimes I use a good historical name that I may or may not modify a bit. And occasionally I use the names that are suggested by the game, although I almost always modify them to some degree.
I always have trouble coming up with character names, and tend to rely on random generators. The last character I named, I named after my cat who someone else named first.
Edited: Kingowlbear on 13th Dec, 2017 - 12:45am